James Neale Photography will be officially 1 year old on January 1st, but it has now been just over a year since i left the world of corporate life and began working on setting up the business. Let me tell you it hasn't been easy. Setting up a business in the middle of a recession probably wasn't the best time to do it, but the way i look at it is, if i can survive now, then when this sorry country sorts out its bank balance there will be no stopping me!
Starting a business is no easy task, as I'm sure a lot of you will know. I thought i worked long hours during my time with Halfords, but as a friend and fellow businessman Jeff Turnbull once said to me, "the great thing about being self employed is that you get to choose which 18 hours of the day you work" and this is so true, there have been many days where i have sat at the computer at 7am and still been sitting there at midnight. But to me the one difference is, i want to be sitting there. A great saying is that "if you find a job you enjoy, you will never do a days work again" and this is certainly true for me. I honestly cant think of a single time over the last year where i have complained about having to work. I love what i do and i feel very privileged that i am able to do it.
Over the last year i have been lucky enough to work with some great people. I have enjoyed being a part of some amazing weddings, i have enjoyed spending time with loving families during portrait sessions and parties. I have photographed some really talented bands, stunning models, celebrities, the list goes on, cute dogs, picturesque landscapes, cars, racing drivers, local businessmen...... Every day has been different.
All of the above would certainly not have been possible with out the support of my beautiful wife Emma, who has put up me working long hours, and letting me make my dreams of running my own business a realality. Without you none of this would have been posible or worthwhile.
I also must not forget all my friends and family who have supported me, let me use them as models for test shoots and generally believed in me over the last year. some of you probably thought i was crazy giving up on a career that i had been building for the last 7 years, but i always have and always will go by the moto, 'if your not enjoying it, get out'.
There are also new friends that i have made during my first year as a photographer that have helped and guided me to where my business is now,
Jeff Turnbull for all your training, and business mentoring, i can honestly say i wouldnt be writing this blog post if it hadnt of had the help and support from you, and also to some great photographers Ross Dean, Sam Carter, Andrea Simmons Abbott, Gary Wilson, and David Tyrer for all your great ideas and general support and friendship as we all set out to make our dreams come true.
So on a final note i just want to say a big thank you to all my clients over the last year, i have enjoyed working with every single one of you and i am looking forward to working with you and many more people over the next year.
If your getting married, holding a party, having a baby, getting engaged, needing some new images for your website or generally need a photographer why not get in touch so we can start planning your event.
www.jamesnealephotography.com www.beatimages.com 07833491550
Here are a few of my favourite images from the last year.
